Voiced by: Harumi Sakurai (Japanese) and Martha Harms (English)

Hypocrite: Despite touting Devils as the strongest beings who deserve control over the world, they rely heavily on the empowering snakes of Ophis, a dragon.And with Rizevan having already passed away, Rizevim dying five months before the Azazel Cup and Vali considering fighting Better than Sex, they're the only options available. There's still continuation of the original Satans in Vali and Ingvild, but chances are that any remaining pure-blooded descendants are going to be genetically thinned out later on. Dying Race: As of the end of volume 11, Rizevim, Vali and Ingvild are the only known remaining pure-blood descendants of the original Satans still alive and it would seem the species is on the verge of extinction.Best Served Cold: They've been planning to exact revenge on the Four Great Satans and all devils for years.Authority Equals Asskicking: Katerea, Creuserey and Shalba are the leaders of the faction and the most powerful.Similar to the Vali team, the Satan Faction acted as early enemies for Issei and company, but have gone quiet for the most part after Ajuka defeats most of their forces. A large faction of confederate Devils who remain loyal to the old devil practices.